Contact Us
53 Eliyahu Hakim
Jerusalem 93808
IsraDevEquity sas
49 rue Voltaire
Levallois-Perret 92300
Our Firm
IsraDevEquity is part of Schapira Group, a Paris based investment banking company.
We are in the business of helping international investors closing deals with fast-growing firms.
We are committed towards investors trusting us to present them selected cases with an undisputable analysis of financial, technical and market factors.
Our team composed of financial analysts, business specialists and market researchers, works daily in connection with our international network.
Investment Banking
Boutique Services
Access to a wide directory of high-grade corporate
Intimate knowledge of businesses and their management
Up-to date equity stories by our business specialists
Access to international private equity markets
Top-ranked investment funds and family offices
Consulting with business experts for writing the equity story
Financial advisory for evaluation
Global Partnership
Being a part of an international network, IsraDevEquity partners are working both on the European and the Israeli markets.
In Europe, in addition to investment banking services, we offer CFO on-demand solutions, credit intermediation and governmental fundings.
We have developed an efficient market place for both investors and companies, based on reciprocal trust and quality of information exchanged
Our method for securing present and future deals is to deliver undisputable valuations of companies, based on the writing of the equity story
For investors, the equity story is, in its essence, the reasoning why the particular stake should be bought by investors.
Furthermore the writing of the equity story prior to negotiations is perceived by the investment banking industry as one of the major criteria of reliability and maturity in the investment-decision process (along with the existence of vendor due-diligence).